GOSTD 25 – Lawn Dressing

Lawn Dressing

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GOSTD 25 Garden Top Dressing & Soil Conditioner:

A finely screened blend of naturally occurring light sandy loams specially formulated for the top dressing of sandy, lower clay content domestic garden lawns.

GOSTD 25 is beneficial for sandy lawns with poor soil structure, where general soil improvement is required. A yearly top dressing between April and October can drastically improve both the health and appearance of your lawn when carried out after scarifying and aeration, invigorating the grass, lowering the amount of thatch and evening out bumps and bare patches when combined with overseeding.

All our GOSTD top dressings are screened through 4mm woven wire meshes to ensure an unrivalled quality, stone, and debris free, top dressing.